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Fun TV Facts for Kids - Interesting Information about TelevisionTelevision Facts for Kids

Check out our fun TV facts for kids! Find interesting information about television that will help you understand how the technology works in an easy to understand way.

Enjoy trivia related to early television, the change from black and white to color, modern broadcasting and much more with our range of fun TV facts for kids.


  • Television is a popular technology that allows us to watch our favorite TV shows on screen.

  • Television sets receive and display broadcasts of moving images.

  • Televisions also produce sound through speakers.

  • The images on a TV screen refresh fast enough to appear as smooth motion to the human eye.

  • Televisions first went on sale in the late 1920’s.

  • Early television was displayed in black and white.

  • Although the technology was developed earlier, color television sets didn’t become widespread until the 1970’s.

  • The 1980’s saw the arrival of remote controls.

  • Television sets are also used to watch DVD’s and Blu-ray discs, as well as play video games through the use of a console.

  • Video cassettes were used before DVD’s and Blu-ray discs but have been phased out in favor of new technology since the late 1990’s.

  • Early monitors used cathode ray tubes (CRT) but they have since been replaced by thinner screens that use liquid crystal display (LCD) and plasma.

  • Similar to radio, television broadcasts are transmitted at specific frequencies.

  • More recently there has been a change from analog transmissions to digital. The 0’s and 1’s of a digital transmission are like the information stored in a computer, making them more reliable than traditional analog broadcasts.

  • Television broadcasts feature a wide range of programming, everything from news to sports, documentaries, sitcoms, reality TV, drama, movies and commercials.

  • The most watched TV broadcasts are typically global events such as the Olympics and Football World Cup.

  • Broadcasting companies use commercials and subscriptions to earn revenue and pay for the costs of production.

LCD television




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