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Fun Food Facts for Kids

Fun Orange Facts for Kids - Interesting Information about Oranges
Orange Facts for Kids

Check out our fun orange facts for kids. Learn interesting information about orange juice, vitamin C and the different uses we have for oranges.

What is orange jam called? What are the best conditions to grow oranges? Find out the answers to these questions and much more with our fun orange facts for kids!


  • The orange is a citrus fruit and is a hybrid of the pomelo and mandarin.

  • Oranges have been grown since ancient times and originated in Southeast Asia.

  • As of 2010, Brazil grows one third of all the world’s oranges.

  • California and Florida are large producers of oranges in the US.

  • Around 85% of all oranges produced are used for juice.

  • Marmalade is orange jam.

  • Oranges have a high amount of vitamin C.

  • Oranges are domesticated so you are unlikely to find them growing naturally in the wild.

  • Because oranges do not spoil easily and are full of vitamin C during the years of world exploration sailors planted orange and other citrus trees along trade routes to prevent scurvy which is a disease that develops from a deficiency of vitamin C.

  • It is believed that Christopher Columbus was the first to bring orange seeds to America during his second voyage to the region in 1493.

  • There are now over 600 varieties of oranges worldwide.

  • There are typically ten segments inside an orange.

  • Ideal conditions for growing oranges are in sub-tropical areas that have good amounts of sunshine yet moderate to warm temperatures (15.5°C - 29°C (60°F - 84 °F).

  • Orange peel can be used by gardeners to sprinkle over vegetables as a slug repellent.

  • The white orange blossom, is the state flower of Florida. It is highly fragrant and has long been used in weddings as cake decoration, in bridal bouquets and in head wreaths. The blossom essence is an important component in the making of perfume and the petals can also be made into "orange blossom/flower water".


More Food Facts:
Orange Facts





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