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Fun Dinosaur Facts for Kids

Triceratops Facts for KidsTriceratops Facts for Kids

Check out our fun Triceratops facts for kids and learn all about this popular dinosaur.

The Triceratops is easily recognized thanks to the three horns found on its face as well as its large body and the unique frill around its head. Find out just how big they were, what they ate, why they needed their horns, what US state lists them as their official dinosaur and more interesting information.


  • The name ‘Triceratops’ comes from the Greek language, with ‘tri’ meaning three and ‘keratops’ meaning horned face.

  • Triceratops lived in the late Cretaceous Period (around 65 million years ago).

  • The Triceratops is one of the most easily recognizable dinosaurs due to its large body, unique frill and three horns.

  • It needed its three horns to try and protect itself from the Tyrannosaurus Rex which lived during the same time period.

  • It is believed that fully grown Triceratops were about 8m (26ft) in length, 3m (10ft) in height and weighed anywhere between 6 to 12 tons.

  • The skull of a Triceratops alone could grow over 2m (7ft) in length.

  • The Triceratops was a plant eating (herbivore) dinosaur.

  • The first known fossils to be that of a Triceratops were horns attached to a partial skull, found near Denver, Colorado in 1887.

  • Triceratops had anywhere between 400 and 800 teeth, although only a small percentage of these were in use at any one time as they were constantly replaced throughout its lifetime.

  • Triceratops was represented in the popular Transformers toy line and animated series as Slag, an Autobot that could transform into a Triceratops form.

  • The US state of Wyoming lists the Triceratops as its state dinosaur.

  • Triceratops pictures:
Triceratops Silhouette
Triceratops Origami Picture
Triceratops Skull Fossil
Triceratops Face Sketch
Old Triceratops Skull
Triceratops Fighting
Triceratops Postage Stamp
Triceratops Illustration
Triceratops Sculpture
Triceratops Clip Art
Triceratops Skeleton Picture
Triceratops Skeleton Reconstruction Sketch
Triceratops skeleton
More Dinosaur Facts!




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