Poland Facts for Kids
Learn some interesting information about Poland while enjoying a range of fun facts and trivia that's perfect for kids! Read about the national symbol, highest mountain, famous citizens, population, capital city, favorite sport and much more. | | |
- Poland is home to around 37.7 million people as of 2023.
- Warsaw is the largest city and capital of Poland.
- Poland’s national symbol is the White Eagle.
- The peak of Rysy in the Tatra Mountains is the highest point in Poland at 2499 m (8199 ft). Outside of this mountain range most of Poland is quite flat.
- A Polish state and the name Poland existed as far back as the year 966 during the reign of Mieszko I. The Kingdom of Poland was founded shortly after in 1025.
- Nicolaus Copernicus, the famous 16th century astronomer who first suggested the sun was the center of our universe was born in Thorn, Royal Prussia, part of the Kingdom of Poland.
- Famous physicist, chemist and Nobel laureate Marie Curie (or Maria Sklodowska) was Polish however she lived much of her life in France.
- Poland has more than 15 Nobel prize laureates, of these 4 were for Peace prizes and 5 in Literature.
- As of 2023, Poland has 17 heritage sites on the UNESCO World Heritage list.
- Forests cover over 30% of Poland's land area and the country is the fourth most forested in Europe.
- Of all migratory birds that travel to Europe for the summer, one quarter of them breed in Poland making it the most important bird breeding ground in Europe.
- Drivers use the right-hand side of the road in Poland.
- The most popular sport in Poland is football (soccer), the Polish national team came third in the 1974 and 1982 World Cup Finals and won Olympic Gold in 1972.
- Other popular sports in Poland include athletics, basketball, handball, volleyball, boxing, weightlifting, ice hockey, tennis, fencing, cross-country skiing, swimming and ski jumping.
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