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Fun Country Facts for Kids

Egyptian National FlagEgypt Facts for Kids

Learn some interesting information about Egypt while enjoying a range of fun facts and trivia that's perfect for kids!

Read about the Egyptian landscape, its highest mountain, borders, population, major cities, the Ancient Egyptians, pyramids and much more.

  • Egypt is officially known as the Arab Republic of Egypt.

  • In 2023, the population of Egypt was over 107 million people.

  • Egypt is bordered by the Gaza Strip, Israel, Libya and Sudan as well as the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea.

  • The Sinai Peninsula in Egypt spans across two continents, Africa and Asia.

  • Mount Catherine is the highest mountain in Egypt, standing 2,629m high (8625 ft).

  • The official language of Egypt is Arabic, but others languages such as English and French are also understood by many.

  • The capital city is Cairo, which also has the largest population. Other major cities include Alexandria and Giza.

  • Egypt is a very dry country. The Sahara and Libyan Desert make up most of the area of Egypt.

  • Egypt experiences natural hazards such as droughts, earthquakes, flash floods, landslides, windstorms (called khamsin), dust storms and sandstorms.

  • The longest river in the world, the Nile, runs through Egypt.

  • Egyptians drive on the right-hand side of the road.

  • Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization, the Ancient Egyptians, who date back to around 3150 B.C.

  • Egypt is home the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

  • Millions of tourists visit Egypt every year, with the tourism industry employing over 10% of the Egyptian workforce.

  • The most popular sport in Egypt is football (soccer).

  • For more information, check out maps of Egypt or take a closer look at the Egyptian flag.

Map of Egypt
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