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Free pictures and photos of dinosaur fossils, bones and skeletons

Find free pictures, photos, diagrams, facts and information related to a wide range of dinosaur fossils, bones and skeletons right here at Science Kids.

Picture name: Spinosaurus Skull
Picture category:
Dinosaurs > Fossils & Bones
Image size:
58 KB
Photo dimensions: 630 x 300
Facts & description: This picture is a diagram of a Spinosaurus skull. Spinosaurus lived in the Cretaceous Period (around 100 million years ago) and was a huge meat eating dinosaur, possibly the largest carnivorous dinosaur ever. For more information on this interesting dinosaur check out our Spinosaurus facts page.


This picture is a diagram of a Spinosaurus skull. Spinosaurus lived in the Cretaceous Period (around 100 million years ago) and was a huge meat eating dinosaur, possibly the largest carnivorous dinosaur ever.




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