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Free pictures and photos of dinosaur fossils, bones and skeletons

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Picture name: Maiasaura Dinosaur Nest
Picture category:
Dinosaurs > Fossils & Bones
Image size:
78 KB
Photo dimensions: 680 x 510
Facts & description: This picture shows the reconstruction of a Maiasaura nest. Maiasaura was a large duck billed dinosaur that lived in the late Cretaceous Period (around 74 million years ago). After the discovery of fossilized egg shells and babies too young to be hatchlings it is believed that Maiasaura lived in herds and raised their young in nested colonies. The name Maiasaura means 'caring mother lizard'. This photo was taken at the Natural History Museum in London.


This picture shows the reconstruction of a Maiasaura nest. Maiasaura was a large duck billed dinosaur that lived in the late Cretaceous Period (around 74 million years ago). After the discovery of fossilized egg shells and babies too young to be hatchlings it is believed that Maiasaura lived in herds and raised their young in nested colonies. The name Maiasaura means 'caring mother lizard'. This photo was taken at the Natural History Museum in London.




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