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Free pictures and photos of dinosaur fossils, bones and skeletons

Find free pictures, photos, diagrams, facts and information related to a wide range of dinosaur fossils, bones and skeletons right here at Science Kids.

Picture name: Iguanodon Skeleton
Picture category:
Dinosaurs > Fossils & Bones
Image size:
97 KB
Photo dimensions: 401 x 599
Facts & description: This picture shows the skeleton of a type of Iguanodon known as Dollodon. Iguanodon was a plant eating (herbivore) dinosaur with a long tail. Its fossils were first discovered in 1822 and it was the second dinosaur to be formally named (in 1825, the first was Megalosaurus in 1824). For more information on this interesting dinosaur check out our Iguanodon facts page.


This picture shows the skeleton of a type of Iguanodon known as Dollodon. Iguanodon was a plant eating (herbivore) dinosaur with a long tail. Its fossils were first discovered in 1822 and it was the second dinosaur to be formally named (in 1825, the first was Megalosaurus in 1824).




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