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Fun Science Experiments for Kids

Enjoy our range of fun science experiments for kids that feature awesome hands-on projects and activities that help bring the exciting world of science to life.

Egg Bubbles - Fun Science Experiments for KidsEgg Bubbles

This fun science experiment for kids focuses on some of the interesting characteristics of eggs. Prove the existence of a small air pocket inside an egg as well as thousands of small holes in the shell called pores, while learning what air does as it is heated.

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What you'll need:

  • A clear glass or jar
  • Hot water (adult supervision is a good idea when using hot water)
  • An egg
  • A magnifying glass



  1. Place the egg carefully into the glass or jar.
  2. Carefully pour hot water into the glass or jar until it is nearly full.
  3. Leave the glass or jar on a table or flat surface and watch the egg closely for a few minutes (the glass may become hot so be careful).
  4. Use your magnifying glass to closely examine what is happening.


What's happening?

After surrounding the egg with hot water you will notice tiny bubbles forming on the egg shell which eventually bubble their way to the surface.

An egg contains a small air pocket at its larger end between the shell and egg white. When the air trapped inside this small pocket begins to heat up it expands and tries to find a way out of the shell, but how does it escape?

They're too small to see under normal conditions but with the help of a magnifying glass you can see that egg shells contain thousands of small holes called pores (human skin has pores too).

The pores allow air to pass through the shell, making it look like the egg is breathing as the air expands and is forced through the shell.


An egg shell has thousands of small pores


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